Caring for those who care the most

As experts in Insurance, MIAB can offer a wealth of knowledge, regardless of whether you are an existing customer looking for guidance surrounding claims, or thinking of joining us and want to understand our policies better.
We’ve created this library of resources to help with any questions you may have in regards to claims and policies, with all of the relevant information in one place.
All of our resources are created by the relevant Specialist Insurance Adviser, or Claims Support, so you can trust that the information is accurate and genuinely helpful.
Feel free to refer to these resources as and when needed, and share with others who may be looking for advice.
Understanding Claims
Our dedicated page to help you to better understand claims, from how to avoid them, to who to contact should the worst happen.
ExplorePolicy Documents
Find them hereAdvice Sheets
Overviews and Explainers
- Protect your future by insuring your past
- Indemnity Essentials – For work not covered by the Government state-backed indemnity scheme
- Why Choose MIAB?
- Business Overheads Insurance
- Dental Malpractice Cover
- Top-up Locum Insurance for GP Practices
- Primary Care Home Indemnity: Understanding the Considerations
- Indemnity for Care Home and GP-based Pharmacists
Partnership Material
If you are looking for more information contact or call 01438 730210.