Cover for you, your practice and its employees in respect of Clinical Negligence protection.

Pharmacists in GP practices
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Following a trial integrating 491 pharmacists within 658 GP practices, NHS England indicated in the General Practice Forward View that they intend to have 1500 more pharmacists working in general practice by 2019/20.
Adding value at the front line
This plan presents a significant opportunity for pharmacists to add value to patients and practices, both releasing GP time and improving the management of long term medication and repeat prescriptions.
It may be a move individual Pharmacists have already made or are considering. GP practices and owners of Community Pharmacies may also be considering how to take advantage of the opportunity.
Tackling the indemnity question
With any aspect of healthcare delivery, the issue of clinical negligence protection needs to be addressed. You’ve worked hard to get to where you are and, in an age of easy-access litigation (or threat of litigation), you want to take steps to avoid the immense costs involved in defending a legal action. With Professional Indemnity costs soaring, getting value for money is crucial.
MIAB has designed what it believes is a new, fit-for-purpose insurance policy aimed specifically at pharmacists in general practice. It provides appropriate levels of cover for all the duties and activities to be undertaken as outlined within the NHS England Senior Clinical Pharmacist and Clinical Pharmacist job descriptions. The duties of a Community, Locum, Emergency Care and Primary Care Pharmacist are all included within the NHS England Senior Clinical Pharmacist job description.
The policy features:
- £10 million Professional Indemnity cover
- 10 years extended reporting period as standard
- Legal Defence and Expenses Cover
- Vicarious Liability covering actions of non-clinical employees
- No Excess in the event of a claim
- Legal Assistance and Out of Hours Support
- Retroactive cover available upon request
The policy wording and terms are provided and we’re happy to conduct a free comparison against existing provider policies.
The policy also includes:
- Undifferentiated diagnosis covered
- Flu Vaccine administration covered
The policy is available to existing Pharmacists in GP Practices, community pharmacists changing role and moving into general practice, and newly qualified pharmacists and prescribers.
As litigation is often directed at businesses, this policy is also available on an ‘Entity’ basis to the practice, which ensures it is protected from claims made against employees.
Reviewing existing cover
Adequate cover is important to protect both the individual pharmacist and the patients. Pharmacists already working in general practice, should consider the level of cover from their current provider. If it’s a practice group scheme, is it fit for these specific needs? Pharmacists considering this career should check if their existing provider offers cover to match MIAB’s recommended level.
Very impressed by the prompt and efficient service
We’re delighted to receive this testimonial from Pharmacist Sarah Whelan about the Pharmacists in General Practice policy: “I have been very impressed by the prompt and efficient service I have received. My quote was slightly higher than another provider but with significant advantages, complete cover, higher indemnity etc. I have taken this up and would recommend it to my colleagues, especially pharmacists new to primary care like myself where the other provider restrict what they will cover you for.”
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