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Government Indemnity Scheme for GPs – Preparing for Change

Written by Tristan Lennox-Gentle, Director

The announcement of a Government-backed indemnity scheme by Jeremy Hunt in Liverpool last October heralded a new era of indemnity provision.

For the GP community the announcement was long-overdue. But the lack of detail, and brief Department of Health (DOH) press releases, means that GPs simply cannot get excited about what they don’t fully understand.

In a comprehensive review and analysis of GP Indemnity, MIAB Director, Tristan Lennox-Gentle, explores some of the common questions MIAB has been posed by GPs, Allied Healthcare Professionals, LMCs, Federations and Partnerships.

Part One and Two

Tristan gives an overview of GP indemnity and explores two of the most pressing issues: should GPs cancel all their cover in April 2019, and who’s paying for the state scheme? Read and download Part One and Part Two (PDF).

Part Three

What else should GPs consider before moving to a Government scheme? Read and download Part Three (PDF). 

Part Four

Little is understood about the different types of cover available, but it’s crucially important to consider the key differences between Occurance, Claims-Made and Run-Off Cover. Read and download Part Four (PDF). 

Part Five

As a GP you want to feel confident your indemnity provider is there to support you as much as possible, ensuring suitable recourse for the affected party. How claims are managed is important to know should you need to make one. Read and download Part Five (PDF). 

Part Six

The Conclusion to ‘Government Indemnity Scheme for GPs – Preparing for Change’. When can you expect an update? And what should you do in the meantime? Read and download Part Six (PDF). 

Full document

Read and download the full document here (PDF).