Has your Defence Organisation subscription been raised dramatically or have you been declined cover completely? If so MIAB may be able to help.

MIAB’s expert advisers specialise in providing malpractice insurance for those refused cover by their Defence Organisation because of previous claims, disciplinary proceedings or sometimes for no clear reason.
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Being refused cover is potentially career threatening and at the very least causes distress. For this reason, we work hard with specialist insurers to secure appropriate and affordable malpractice cover to enable you to carry on practicing. Similarly, mistakes are often made by those suffering from stress, depression, or other health issues and MIAB is able to support these clinicians back into practice.
Sometimes, those under sanction or supervision need to undergo training or otherwise pass assessment milestones in order to be allowed back into practice unmonitored. Having consulted with various GP and NHS bodies MIAB uniquely takes account of this by working with insurers to entail the premium and cover to the clinician’s individual rehabilitation journey.
At every stage, your MIAB adviser will provide guidance and advice to help you through the process and make it as easy as possible. The following are examples of real case studies for which MIAB was able to provide assistance.
Case Study 1 – Dentist
A poor claims record over nine years forced this client away from their defence organisation to an insurance backed contract in 2015. In an attempt to reduce the cost of his Indemnity the client approached MIAB for terms in September 2016 and we were able to reduce the cost of his insurance by nearly 20%.
Case Study 2 – GP
A GP encountered considerable difficulties with Indemnity cover over a number of years, ostensibly caused by CQC findings relating to practice management.
After cover was refused by his MDO, the first insurance policy he entered into in 2015 was found wanting by the NHS because the premium of nearly £50,000 and excess of £30,000 were deemed unsustainable. So having won the battle to remain on the Performers List he faced being barred from practice for economic reasons.
Through skilful underwriting and combining two specialist insurers, MIAB has cut the premium in half and reduced the excess to £10,000, thereby affording the GP a long term future. Our solution has also been approved as suitable by the NHS authorities.
Case Study 3 – Dentist
A member of a Dental Defence Organisation since 2009, this client contacted us in January 2017 when, for no given reason, her renewal was declined.
The Dentist was in fear of losing her job and advised that she was required to make an indemnity declaration to the GDC on 6th February.
Several insurers were approached and favourable terms were offered and accepted by the 3rd of February.
Case Study 4 – GP
During nearly 20 years membership of a defence organisation this GP had one claim upheld in respect of a mis-diagnosis which cost £40,000 to settle.
However, in October 2009 following an admission of sexual misconduct the GMC suspended him for 18 months. At the end of this period a further 12 months suspension was ordered, influenced by severe depression. After this period the GP was able to return to work with conditions imposed for 18 months.
None of the three defence organisations would support the GP with returning to work, and so they were forced to seek insurance cover. In March 2017 he approached MIAB for a comparison quotation and we were able to improve on the premium he had been offered.
If you would like more information, contact our Specialist Indemnity Insurance Adviser, on 01438 730210 or indemnity@miab.co.uk.